miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

First time partying!

The days passed by and i kept making friends in classes, however it takes some time until you go to parties with them, obviously.
Besides, all of us were underage at the time, so the first party i went to, i got invited by the daughter of my dad's friend.

It was in the house of one of her boyfriend's friend, in that same place i met one of my long time friends nowadays, we will call him Ani, quite easy right!
Ani was there, he was good with the bass and he was showing this others girl sister, we didn't talk much that day, but along the next months we would run into the same friends.

That day i also got drunk for the first time, got my first kiss for the first time as well and ended up sleeping in somebody elses house that ended up becoming friends with me for the next year.
So what is to be drunk and kiss for the very first time coming from a strict catholic family/religion?

First all i remember is me convincing this guy of how much i loved chemistry "way to go mary" you all must be thinking. (Very nerdy, no question)
Afterwards i just remember flashbacks of darkness, comfy couch, kiss, kiss, maybe another one? i wake up finally next day and i realize i'm somewhere else, in a bed, i understand now.... i kissed the guy there D:
my first thought? "omg, i need to go to church"

I got out of bed, said hello to my friend  (the one i ended up kissing was his brother) and left to go running to my other friend house (the girl who took me to the party) cause i didn't know how to handle a hangover or the kiss+religion freak out.

The End.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Moving into College town

At the end of July 2003 i graduated from my highschool in the north-west area of my country, Venezuela.
That same year in the beginnings we were supposed to take this test and choose our Careers and universities, i was so eager to leave my hometown, it didn't matter where i was going as long as it was somewhere else.
My choices of careers were *Electronical engineering (in the city where i ended up) *Marine Biology (in the coasts of the north east of the country) or *Veterinary (in my hometown). One month after i finished my highschool and attended my graduation i moved to this city that is 4 hours away from my hometown to attend Electronical engineering and live with my father during the week.

My first day at the university was lets say, funny. I didn't know where i was actually living, address or anything besides the fact that there was a mall nearby. We went to our "guidance" class and thats where everybody was supposed to say their names, highschool they went to, place of birth, phone number and area of actual living.
I basically said "I'm Mary, went to La Salle highschool in Barquisimeto and i don't know either my phone number or area of living" everybody started laughing, at that moment i realized that i was the only one lost and that they were pretty laughable.

That day i made my first 2 friends, she *Winny* and her brother *Paul* lived around 5 blocks away from my apartment and that day they gave me a ride back home, sweet my very first friends made by me! 
That same day i met other friends that were introduced to me by the daughter of one of my dads friends, she introduced me to *Arianna, *Ralph and *Jose, they were pretty much into D&D and things i didn't understand yet. 

I went home that day pretty happy of the new people i met, however i could tell i was definitely a foreigner in my own country.